Will Writing Services

Will Writing Services

Writing a Will is the last thing you want to think about when you’re living in the moment. However, if the worst happens and you don’t have a Will in place, the law will dictate who inherits your estate.

Common misconceptions such as “my assets will automatically go to my family” or “Will writing services are too expensive” could cause trouble for your family when they’re trying to access the inheritance you intend to leave to them.

Will writing services through Daniel Taylor Solicitors are swift, inexpensive, and include expert guidance every step of the way, so you have peace of mind when planning your family’s future.

Why chose Daniel Taylor Solicitors?

20 Years Experience

Your claim will be handled by a solicitor with over 20 years experience in dealing with legal matters like yours.

Free Initial Consultation

We offer a free, no obligation, consultation to discuss your needs and providing a quote for the help you need.

Fixed Fee Service

Our Will Writing Service is provided on a 'fixed fee' basis meaning you will only pay the amount you agree with us at the outset.

Why should I make a Will?

Making a valid Will is important because if you die without one in place, any assets you intend to leave to your friends or family could be divided up by the rules of intestacy.

This set of rules decides how a person’s estate will be shared out if they die without a legally valid Will. Only married or civil partners and specified close relatives can inherit under them. 

Choosing a reputable Will writing service is the best way to ensure your Will is valid and up to date, and that the friends or family you wish to leave your estate to receive it.

Reasons you may need a will:
  • Distribute your assets as per your wishes
  • Arrange guardianship of any children you have
  • Appoint an executor to carry out your wishes
  • Ensure your loved ones are provided for financially
  • Avoid any potential disputes

Will Writing FAQS

Can I write my own Will legally?

While it’s possible to create your own Will, it’s generally advisable to enlist the help of a specialist Will writing solicitors. They can either help you write your Will or oversee one you have drawn up to ensure it’s validity, and that it will have the desired effect.

What makes a valid Will?

There are legal requirements that must be met to make a Will valid in the UK, including:

  • you must be at least 18 years of age
  • you need to be of sound mind, and understand the consequences of making a Will
  • you must make the Will freely without pressure from anyone else
  • the Will must be in writing (either in paper or electric form)
  • the Will must be signed by you and witnessed by two independent adults

What should I include in my Will?

There are a number of things you should include in your Will, such as:

Executor: Appoint someone you trust to carry out your wishes and manage your estate
Beneficiaries: List those who will inherit your assets, including friends, relatives, or charitable organisations
Assets: List your property, bank accounts, investments, and personal belongings, and include how you want them to be distributed
Guardianship: If you have dependents, designate guardians to care for them in case of your passing
Special requests: Whilst not binding, you may wish to outline your wishes for things such as funeral arrangements or charitable donations

Consulting a Will writing solicitor can ensure your wishes are clear and legally binding, guaranteeing your loved ones receive what you intend.

When do I need to review my Will?

The general guidance is to review your Will either every five years, or each time you have a major change in circumstances, such as getting married or a health diagnosis.

Reasons for updating your will
  • Your wishes have changed
  • The named Executor is no longer suitable or available
  • Significant life events (marriage, divorce, birth of children)
  • A change in assets such as purchase or sale of property

Can I change my Will?

If you want to change your Will, you have two options:

●     create an entirely new Will in its place

●     make an official alteration, known as a “codicil”

The former choice is usually the easiest. However, it’s best to discuss this with a specialist solicitor to learn which is best for your situation.

Make a Will through Daniel Taylor Solicitors

At Daniel Taylor Solicitors, we ensure our Will writing service is as seamless and stress-free as possible by doing the hard work for you. Our specialist solicitor will guide you through every step of the way, so you have peace of mind throughout the entire process.

Get in touch now for help planning your family’s future.

"Daniel dealt with my legal matter in a professional and efficient manner.

He talked me through the options and patiently listed to how I wanted to proceed."

Robert - Lasting Power of Attorney Client

"I Daniel was able to give me clear advice which we used to agree a compromise that all Parties were happy with"

Client defending a claim by a former business partner

Daniel Taylor

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